3/20/10 Considering purchasing a puppy, please take a good look at the mothers they could possibly have. To look at us you would never guess we are only three years old or that we are even collies. Oh you would never see us when you visit or you would realize your new puppy may not be healthy. You will be shown the healthier dogs and told they are the parents. Sometimes people purchase puppies because they feel sorry for them in their environment. We do not want our babies to stay here, however the more they sell the more we have to keep producing. A responsible breeder will check your references and will provide theirs. They will also provide an eye check, health certificate and require a contract.
By the grace of God we managed to get out of there. When we finally became so ill from eating potatoes and rice all our life we were given away. The folks that took us immediately brought us to collie rescue. If you would like to help with our care just hit that donate button or click Help on the website for our address.

3/27/10 Oh my gosh, they have meat here and people have been bringing us chicken, beef roast and fresh fish. Mr. Gray cooks it up for us and we get a little several times per day because our bodies are starved for protein. We have nice doggie beds to lie on and this is just like a hotel with room service too! Today folks came to pet and love the collies. Ron and Pennie spent hours rubbing and petting us. Is this Heaven?

4/1/10 This week five new collies came into rescue. Our health is improving and spaces were needed in the lots so we have joined the group. We are doing great, getting along with the others and enjoying the fenced yard. Can you believe it, we are now HOUSE DOGS? Just when we thougt life couldn’t be any better there was more to come. Although we have never been in a house we love it already and not problem with that training thing. We are putting all our trust in you rescue folks and we love you!

4/4/10 Yesterday things took a turn for the worse and we were given what is called baths. We have never had one of these and it was very scary when the water was put on. Then came the medicated shampoo with lots of rubs and massaging. It felt so good and we knew we were beautiful afterward. We started running and strutting through the yard and hopefully you can see our improvement. Our hair has started to come back in and we are feeling so much healthier. We had our beauty treatment, treated like queens and starting to love life. Uh, Di-iiii-aaaa-na would like to know why Miss Jean calls her billy?
4/12/10 We went to the vet today for bloodwork which was really good. Also had a skin scrape and they only found one dead demodex mite on each of us. The vet is so happy with our progress we are going to be spayed tomorrow. They will also cut our toenails back and cauterize them. We will be on pain meds when we come home and all the bad stuff will be out of the way. It suits us fine not to birth any more puppies and these toenails make it hard for us to run with the others. Can you imagine us going to a vet and receiving medical care when we never imagined there was such a place. Thanks everyone for loving us!
5/16/10 Thought you guys might like to see us in action so Miss Jean made a short movie of us today. It is amazing to see us run when we could barely walk when we first got here. John came today to take our pictures and that Diana squeals like a pig when people are here to pet her. She is the entire barnyard, looks like a goat, chicken feet and squeals like a pig, lol. Please watch our movie by clicking on the below link.

5/22/10 The nerve of that KANGROO calling me a barnyard animal. Today we got more medicated baths and have really come to enjoy them. I’m growing hair on my face now although it looks more like unwanted body hair. Here are some new pictures of us so you can see our progress.

5/31/10 Well folks it is time for me to say Good Bye and I am on my way to a new life with Chuck, Sandra and MacIntosh the collie boy. The Nail’s came to meet me about a month ago and Miss Jean wanted me to stay a while longer to make sure I was on the way to recovery. They kept saying how beautiful I am and that one day I will look like Mac. All it will take is a lot of love and care. I told Madelyn I was going to live in the white house but that wasn’t quite true. My new dad just works there but she doesn’t know.
How can I ever express my thanks to you folks for saving my life and showing this collie girl how great humans can be. Please keep the others in that horrible place in your prayers and I wish they could get out like we did.
Madelyn, I love you sister and your people will for you just as mine have come for me. This is the life we should have always had although we never knew.