2012 Rescue Calendar – Terms of Service

Send pet pictures only; no humans will appear in the calendar.

Images must be at least 376 pixels wide and 263 pixels high (horizontal format). This is not reversible. An image that is 263 x 376 (vertical format) is not usable. Images smaller than this will not be printed. Large images may be resized or cropped.

Print photo submissions should be in color, between 4×6 and 8×10 in size, and printed in high resolution on high quality glossy photo paper. Do not write on the back of photo. CRC must have written permission of the photographer to reprint professional photos.

Photos become the property of CRC and cannot be returned. Your photo(s) may be used in other CRC promotions.

If you do not choose to upload your photo with your purchase you may email it to Jsmith27107@triad.rr.com.


Mail print entries to:

Collie Rescue of the Carolinas
P.O. Box 1313
Kernersville, NC 27285

Entries must be received by Thursday, September 15th, 2011.

No refunds will be given for failure to submit your photograph.

I have read and understand the Terms of Service


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