8/1/23: Toney has always had CRC collies and looks like I’m going to be the third one. This young lady needed a playmate and I’m the perfect guy. I’m getting lots of belly rubs here and sometimes we all wrestle together. This is the perfect home for me.

7/12/23: Hello folks, I’m a fun loving, 52 pound collie fellow. The rescue is guessing me to be about 3 years old. I am the best leash walker and will stay right by your side. I do well riding in the car, housetrained and crate trained. I am still learning some manners like not to jump up or take things from the counter no matter how tempting. I am great with the other dogs and love to play all day. I don’t bark much but when I do it is a high pitch bark. If the cats don’t run I am fine with them but if they do I will chase them because remember I love to play. I was picked up as a stray by the animal control. At that time I was covered in ticks which gave me lyme disease. I am being treated for antibiotics for that.