Home for Christmas


shhhhhhh…i’m hunting wabbits

Hunting Wabbits


The Baseball Team

TN Collies 2






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3/9/15: All volunteers were on deck to welcome us and help with our arrival after the seven hour journey from a hoarding situation. We don’t smell so good and have mats hanging from our coats but the rescue folks didn’t care. Most of us are skinny because there was never enough food to go around so we had a big supper and then we checked out our cool beds and houses. This great, new life is something we have never known and will take some getting used to. Since there are nine of us we are named after baseball players. Zibby, A-Rod, Evelyn, Papi, Manny, Jetter, Marla, Ripken and in the back Ty Cobb. Thank you folks so much for taking us in and making this new life possible. If you would like to help with our care just hit the donate button and say it is For The Team.

We are amazed at the wonderful folks who care about us.  Thank you Carolyn McCullough, Kimberly Almeida, David Taylor, Mary Jane Checchi, John Olsakovsky, Susan & James Ellis, Joel Kane, Deb Slade, John & Ann Blanton, Carol Sizemore, NorCal Collie Rescue, Scott Perman, Kim E Moore, Rebecca J Fox, Bill Lindquist, Susan Cate, Kathy Boyes, Thomas Nicholson, Margie Hoffman, Jeffrey Stein, Shirley & Smokey Braden, Ronald Cohn, Jane Friedman Rankins, Diane Macdonnell, Linda W Gruno, Judy Haughey, Joanne Cowulich, Cindy Schober, Jenny’s Cause 4 Paws, Inc., Robert Welborn, Nancy Pergolizzi, Gayle Taylor, Patti Morken, MGV Marketing, LLC, Lorraine Crawley, Caryn Godin, Linda Zeiter, Greta Duckett, David Lamparter, James Sain, Jodi Padilla, Edward Brown, Jan Wiley, Beverly Hirt, Carol Lightcap, Brad Thabet, Bobby Chastain, Barbara Gaster, Carolyn McCullough, Ana Ederich, Debra M Staples, Virginia Coile, Colleen Van Gelderen, Hollis Kerfoot, Rebecca Fox, Laurina Emery-Jacobs, J Michael Neibert, Jennie Rogers, Lindy Wang, Gail Von Gonten, Stella Bevis, Jacqueline Mongan, Patricia Klein, Karen Brown, Kristina Marshall, Sylvia Montgomery, Susan Lamparter, Theresa Hunsberger, Pamela Brown, Iris Fox, Bob Jones, Katherine Skalak, Jennifer Parham, Kristen Kucera, Edward Settle, Brett Frankenberg, John Turner and Lizabeth Meyer

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