June 26, 2014



TN Puppies
















6/26/14:  We are six boys and one girl at about three months old.  Our mom was a tri color collie and papa was a rolling stone so no one knows what breed he was.  The family kept mom and had her spayed so she wouldn’t have any more puppies.  However they left all of us at the shelter so the rescue folks sprung us today.  We are going to need all vaccinations and spay or neuter.  If you would like to help us on our way to a good life with a loving family just hit that donate button.  Please check back to see how we are doing and as the rescue folks get to know each one of us.

These great folks have donated to help with my medical needs:  Susan Hopkins, Gordana Kosutic, Anne White, Mary Jane Checchi, Susan Huneycutt, Rebecca Fox, Anne Oswald, Pamela Brown, John Borman, Greta Duckett, Thomas Jeffries, Carol Lightcap, James Sain, Kimberlee Rettberg, Kathy Carroll and Laurina Emery-Jacobs


May 23, 2014

Miss Annie

















The only thing Miss Annie wanted for her 102nd birthday was to see a collie again.  It was a blessing for the CRC members to participate and make this happen for her.  She told us about her collie, Laddie that she loved so very much.  How he would watch over the younger children making sure they did not get to close to the road.    She thanked us for bringing Jerry but said she would not be able to keep him as she isn’t able to care for him.  We promised to bring him back again and it was a very special day for all of us.


January 1, 2014

Fill The Bowls For 2014

Cami 3 2009




















This year because you care and with your help we placed 88 collies in permanent homes.   This number is down from the last five years and I hope it means we are making a difference.  2008 (97) 2009 (113) 2010 (109) 2011 (92) 2012 (126)  It was a memorable year with a record number of people and collies at the reunion, some special collies that were restored to good health and sadly many that crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Over the past thirteen years you have saved over 1,200 collies.  As always we thank you for all you do to make this rescue great.  Be proud of the lives you saved in 2013 and they thank you so much.  Most of all I thank you for allowing me to continue to do the work I love so much.

It is time to start gearing up for 2014 and the collies that will need to be saved in the coming year.  We took in a new fellow today and have a female coming on Thursday so it is already starting.  Some of the items we will need for the year are paper towels, Frontline and chew treats made in the USA please.  We always need canned dog food either Alpo or Pedigree.  Most websites will ship these items for free and my address is 3227 Swaim Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27107.  When shopping online please remember to shop through IGive or Amazon Smile as they send the collies a percent of each sale.  If you would like to start the year off with a one time or monthly donation just hit that donate button.  Let’s make sure this bowl will be full for her when she arrives.  Jean Smith, Coordinator


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