May 24, 2013
May 10, 2013
April 1, 2013
Currently we have seventeen collies in senior homes. This is what the rescue provides lifetime care for their medical needs. For a healthy dog that is about $500 per year however the seniors need pain meds and other medicines to make their life comfortable. Please consider donating to help a senior with a month or one time donation. If you would like to foster a senior things like pet food, medicines, veterinary bills, and crates are deductible on your taxes. A portion of household utilities could be considered an expense, provided that an area of your home is dedicated just to caring for the foster animal(s). However it must be through an approved charity, in turn, is one that holds 501(c)(3) designation as a Not-for-Profit organization. If you would like to meet some of our seniors in foster care just click on the Senior Sanctuary.
If you would like to help the senior collies with their medical needs just hit that donate button. It is the seniors that need us the most and they have given their lifes to families and now find themselves without a home.