July 6, 2012

Cooling Off

















June 16, 2012

Piedmont Collie Club Comes To Rescue

























Today the folks from Piedmont Collie came to groom rescue collies.  Everyone arrived with tables, tools, dryers and side items for lunch.  They immediately got to work with brushing, bathing, trimming toenails and feet.  Wow, did we volunteers learn a lot from them today and they make it look so easy.  All the collies are looking beautiful tonight and they had a wonderful day enjoying all the attention.




We would like to thank Darrel Graves for building and donating this great doghouse to the collies.  The dimensions are 48″L X 48″W X 65″H and pouch is 48″ X 16″.  When it arrived the collies all took turns going in and they are really enjoying the new home

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