May 14, 2011


March 1, 2011

Big Rescue News!

Dear Collie Rescue Family,

Wonderful news!  As most of you know, what CRC does wouldn’t be possible without the Internet. CRC has grown every year but so has the net.  There are millions of new sites every year and only one CRC. That makes it harder to connect with people that want to adopt from or volunteer with us.  It also gets harder to spread the breed rescue message.  Lots of people don’t know that breed rescues exist when they start their search for a new companion animal, so every person we reach with information about rescue, responsible animal ownership, and information on surrendering a found dog is important.  Every person we reach is a potential canine life saved and human life enriched.

We branched out a lot last year to include new free resources like Facebook and Twitter.  This is in addition to our site (going strong for ten years now, thanks Beth and ConnectNC!) and Yahoo group, but those only go so far.  We need a way to reach people more people without spending money on advertising.  That’s the good news.  Last November Alyssa applied to Google for an advertising grant through their corporate program.  It was six months of hard work and waiting.  They have approved our grant for up to $10,000 in GoogleAds spending.  This is fantastic news!

So what’s all the excitement about and just what are Google Ads?  They’re the small, three line ads you see to the side of your Google search results.  But Google sells their ad service to many, many small websites too.  You’ve probably seen them on a blog or small site.  Any site that is related to the search terms we choose that uses Google Ads could display our ads.  We do ask that you do not use Google to search for us just to look for the ads.  Every time they display it uses a tiny amount of our grant money.  But if you happen to see one, think a warm thought in Google’s direction.  We can’t adopt out 107 collies in a year without 107 forever homes for them to go to.  Every year for the past five years more dogs have needed our services.  Every year for the past five years the economy has gotten worse.  Every year for the past ten years we’ve all worked to make sure that every dog goes home.  This year, someone noticed your hard work and made it a tiny bit easier.  Congratulations!!!!

Jean Smith



January 23, 2011

“Look! Out in the snow! It’s Super-collie to the Rescue!”

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