December 25, 2009

Home for Christmas

Collie Rescue Christmas

An amazing chain of events brought about this Christmas Miracle.  Back in October a family contacted rescue about taking in their collie, Scarlett.    During this time they were trying their best to keep her however the husband works out of town and the wife is expecting their second child.  Finally Friday the 18th they decided it was time to bring Scarlett and let her find a new home.  I was assured Scarlett was a special girl and also a certified therapy dog.

Saturday afternoon I placed Scarlett’s picture on our website and thirty minutes later an application came in from the Blackmans.   They have two daughters, Anna eight and Lilly five.  As I read over the application the tears started to pour and knew God’s hand was truly at work again.   You see, Lilly is neutropenic (low immune system post chemotherapy) right now and here is Scarlett looking for a job where she can use her skills.

Tuesday the 22nd, Gray took Scarlett to meet the family and make sure she would be a good fit.  However there was never a doubt in anyone’s mind that this was meant to be.  This Christmas day Cindy and I had the privilege of taking Scarlett to her new home.  We were so lucky to play apart in this Christmas Miracle.


December 12, 2009


Christmas Card 2009 450px

CRC has reached 109 adoptions as we head into the end of the year. That’s a record! You have helped more dogs, united more people with loving companions, and touched more lives than any year previous. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible. Whether you told a friend where to find the collie they always wanted, made a donation, fostered a dog, or volunteered a skill you made our biggest year ever happen.

In addition to record numbers of adoptions, improvements have been made to the website and the line of products offered there. This is your hard work showing. CRC has no paid employees. Everything that happens, the adoptions, the fundraising, the website, the unique products only CRC sells . . . it all comes down hands like yours, doing what you can because you care. If you look to the right of this page you’ll find a slide show of this year’s adoptees. You’ll also find our donation button. If you’d like to donate time or special skills to CRC you can contact us. You can also reach us by mail at:

Collie Rescue
P.O. Box 5691
Winston-Salem, NC 27113

You can see all our new family members here.


December 8, 2009

The chorus eagerly awaits the conductor's signal to start the recital

Have a holly collie Christmas

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