Amy Sanvitis is my forever mom and I have lived with her for 2 years. She adopted me from Collie Rescue. I have been to obedience school, am a Canine Good Citizen, certified therapy dog, and have a Rally Novice Title. We do lots of fun things together and today she let me go to work with my ‘grandma.’

Richard Petty and Jamie the Collie
Grandma Judy works at Victory Junction which is a camp for children with chronic medical conditions and serious illnesses. ( Camp holds an event each Tuesday evening called NASCARnival night where the kids get to do so many fun games and ride in hot air balloons! While I was in the ‘office’ with Grandma, several people stopped to say hello and pet me. I even got to meet the King himself!!!! Richard Petty said hello and we had our picture made together. Then, the No. #16 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series team driven by Greg Biffle stopped by to visit with the children also. They let me have my picture made with them too!!! Earlier in the day I just couldn’t believe my eyes!! It was Mickey and Minnie Mouse! After playing with the children and visiting them, they came to the Admin office just to see me!!! They had really big hands but that didn’t bother me at all. They pet me and their spokesperson was there with them. He said they love dogs too and how much they love Pluto. Well, Grandma told them my story on how I lost my leg and they both patted their hearts to let me know they love me! And how happy they were to see me come and visit children.

The Gang at the Victory Junction Camp
It was really great being in the office all day! Then the best part of all!!! I got to go see children! That week was the Physical Disabilities week. There were several children in wheel chairs and on walkers and some had braces on their legs. I wasn’t afraid of any of those things. I greeted every child who wanted to see me pet me and talk to me. I loved every minute of being with the kids. That was a good week for me because I have a disability too. I got to see and hear a hot air balloon and that made me jump. Only a little because once I looked to see what it was I was fine. Then I got to see and hear a REAL pit crew change tires! That air wrench sure was loud. But again, I just looked to see what the noise was and wasn’t scared at all. It was a long day but one I’ll never forget. And I think the kids will remember me too. I was even invited to come back and I may get to go for a family weekend this fall. I’m just so happy to have a mom and family that love me and take me everywhere. I can’t wait to go back and meet more kids!! Thanks mom and grandma for letting me go to Victory Junction Gang Camp!!!
Love, Jamie